Pickled Green Tomatoes

Pickled green tomatoes, a perfect recipe

Pickled green tomatoes are a unique and tangy treat. Generations have loved it ever since. These flavorful pickles are made by preserving unripe green tomatoes in a brine of vinegar, spices, and other seasonings. They offer a delightful blend of tartness and crunch. They are a perfect accompaniment to various dishes or enjoyed singularly as a tasty snack. Pickled green tomatoes history preparation, uses, and benefits are below.


History: Pickling, as a method of food preservation, dates back thousands of years. The process of pickling green tomatoes, most likely began as utilization of unripe tomatoes before the first frost of the season. As with many preserved foods, the practice of pickling green tomatoes has its roots in necessity but has since evolved into a beloved culinary tradition.


Preparation: Making pickled green tomatoes is a relatively straightforward process, but it does require attention to detail to ensure the best results.


This recipe is simple and requires the following.


  • Sliced or entire green tomatoes; vinegar (typically white or apple cider vinegar);
  • Pickling aromatic spices (such as mustard seeds, dill seeds, cloves, and cinnamon sticks) and water, sugar, and salt.
  • Garlic cloves and optional fresh dill
  • Red pepper flakes (optional, for moderate heat)




  1. Getting the tomatoes ready: Green tomatoes should be washed and sliced into wedges, rounds, or entire tomatoes as preferred. Eliminate all stems and imperfections.
  2. To make the brine, combine water, salt, sugar, vinegar, and the pickled spices of your choice in a sauce pot. After bringing the ingredients to a boiling point, turn the heat down and let it cook for a short while.
  3. Load the Jars: In sterilized canning containers, add cloves of garlic, freshly picked dill (if utilizing), and flakes of red pepper (if you prefer any heat). Include the whole or cut-up green tomatoes.
  4. Fill the Jars with Hot Brine: Gently fill the jars with hot brine, allowing approximately half an inch of headroom at the top of the jars.
  5. Seal the Jars: Wipe the jar rims, seal the jars with lids and bands, and process them in a boiling water bath for proper preservation.Cool and Store: Allow the jars to cool at room temperature. Once cooled, check that the lids have proper seals. Store in a cool, dark place for several weeks to allow the flavors to meld.
Pickled green tomatoes have a wide range of uses, including:


  1. Condiment: They lend a zingy flavor to hot dogs, hamburgers, and sandwiches.
  2. Appetizer: Serve them with cheese and crackers as a zesty appetizer.
  3. Salads: For a crunch and taste boost, chop pickled green tomatoes and add them to salads.
  4. Garnish: Add them to Bloody Mary drinks as a vibrant garnish.
  5. Snack: Enjoy them straight from the jar as a tasty, low-calorie snack.


  • Preservation: Pickling green tomatoes extends their shelf life, allowing you to enjoy the taste of summer throughout the year.
  • Flavor: The pickling process imparts a unique blend of tanginess and spices to the tomatoes, creating a bold and flavorful experience.
  • Nutrition: Green tomatoes are a good source of vitamins C and K. They retain some of these nutrients even after pickling.
  • Versatility: Pickled green tomatoes can be customized with various spices and seasonings to suit your taste preferences.

In conclusion, many people find that pickled green tomatoes provide a lovely blend of flavors and a hint of nostalgia. These pickles are essential and delectable addition to any kitchen’s culinary arsenal, whether it’s for preserving the crop, experimenting with new condiments, or looking for a pleasant snack.


Common Q & A on pickled green tomato


Q1: What are pickled green tomatoes?


A1: Pickled green tomatoes are unripe green tomatoes, that have been preserved in a brine of vinegar, spices, and other seasonings. They are a tangy and crunchy snack or condiment.


Q2: How do I make pickled green tomatoes at home?


A2: To make pickled green tomatoes at home, you’ll need green tomatoes, vinegar, water, sugar, salt, pickling spices, and canning jars. Wash and slice the tomatoes, prepare a brine, pack the jars with tomatoes and spices, pour the brine over them, seal the jars, and process in a boiling water bath.


Q3: What types of vinegar are commonly used for pickling green tomatoes?


A3: White vinegar and apple cider vinegar are commonly used for pickling green tomatoes. They provide the acidity needed for preservation and contribute to the tartness of the pickles.


Q4: How long do pickled green tomatoes last?


A4: When properly sealed and stored in a cool, dark place, pickled green tomatoes can last up to one year or more. However, their quality may deteriorate over time, necessitating its consumption within the first few months for optimal taste and texture.


Q5: Can I pickle red or ripe tomatoes the same way as green tomatoes?


A5: Green tomatoes are preferred for pickling because they have a firmer texture and tartness. Ripe red tomatoes tend to become mushy when pickled. Consider other methods, such as canning or making tomato sauce, as a preservation measure for ripe tomatoes.


Q6: Are pickled green tomatoes spicy?


A6: The level of spiciness in pickled green tomatoes can be adjusted to your liking. Some recipes include red pepper flakes or hot peppers to add heat, but you can omit them if you prefer a milder flavor.


Q7: What are some creative ways to use pickled green tomatoes?


A7: Pickled green tomatoes can be used as a condiment for sandwiches, burgers, and hot dogs. They can also be chopped and added to salads, served alongside cheese and crackers, or used as a garnish for Bloody Mary cocktails.


Q8: Are pickled green tomatoes healthy?


A8: They are relatively low in calories and provide some vitamins and minerals. However, they can be high in sodium due to the brine, so it’s best to enjoy them in moderation if your salt intake is low.


Q9: Can I reuse the pickling brine for another batch of pickles?


A9: You can reuse pickling brine, as recommended, by bringing it to a boil before using it for another batch to ensure it’s properly sterilized. Reusing brine may result in slightly milder pickles with each batch.


Q10: Can I adjust the seasonings in the pickling brine to suit my taste?


A10: Yes, you can customize the seasonings in the brine to match your preferences.