Pennington Grass

Pennington, The Lawn Mowers Grass

Pennington, did you know that it is known for producing a range of grass seed blends designed for different climates, soil types, and lawn conditions. Their grass seed products often include a mixture of high-quality seed varieties that aim to provide a lush, healthy lawn.


1. Variety Blends: Pennington typically offers a variety of grass seed blends suitable for different regions and conditions. Depending on the intended use, these blends may include a combination of cool-season or warm-season grass species.

2. High-Quality Seeds: The brand uses high-quality grass seeds in their blends. These seeds are chosen for their ability to establish and thrive in specific environments.

3. Technological Advances: Other Pennington products may incorporate advanced technologies, such as Penkoted seed coating. This coating enhances seedling establishment and protects seeds from common issues like fungal diseases and pests.

4. Grass Types: Pennington grass seed may contain a mix of grass types, such as Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, ryegrass, or Bermuda grass, depending on the product and the region it’s intended for.

5. Application Guidelines: Each Pennington grass seed product typically has recommended application guidelines, including seeding rates, watering instructions, and maintenance tips.


Here are some examples of grass seed varieties that Pennington may offer:


1. Smart Seed: Pennington’s Smart Seed line is often known for using drought-tolerant grass varieties. These blends require less water, making them suitable for regions with water conservation concerns.



Drought-Tolerant Varieties:
Pennington Smart Seed blends often include drought-tolerant grass varieties.
These varieties are designed to require less water compared to traditional grass types, making them suitable for regions with water conservation concerns.

Improved Disease Resistance:
Some Smart Seed blends may include grass varieties with enhanced disease resistance.
Improved disease resistance helps the grass withstand common lawn diseases, promoting a healthier and more resilient lawn.

Advanced Seed Coating:
Pennington may use advanced seed coating technologies in Smart Seed products.
Seed coatings like Penkoted coating enhance seedling establishment, protect against diseases, and improve overall seed performance.

High-Quality Seed Varieties:
Smart Seed is typically made from high-quality grass seed varieties.
Depending on the specific Smart Seed product and its intended use, the blend may include a mix of cool-season or warm-season grass species.

Tailored Formulas for Specific Regions:
Pennington Smart Seed may have tailored formulas for specific regions or climates.
These formulas consider the unique conditions of different areas, providing an optimized blend for successful lawn establishment.

Reduced Watering Requirements:
With its drought-tolerant characteristics, Smart Seed is often promoted as a solution for lawns requiring less frequent watering.
Reduced watering needs contribute to water conservation efforts and can be beneficial in areas with water restrictions.


All-in-One Mixtures:
Some Pennington Smart Seed products may come in all-in-one mixtures of grass seed, fertilizer, and mulch. These mixtures simplify the lawn establishment process for users by providing a comprehensive solution in one package.


There are over 10 Pennington smart seed products such as

Northeast grass seed and fertilizer mix: A premium blend of Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass and Fine Fescues suites the harsh winters and steamy summers of the Northeast.


Pacific Northwest seed and fertilizer mix: Your grass needs to be able to tolerate cool, damp weather all year round in the Pacific Northwest. The Pacific Northwest Mix from Pennington Smart Seed is a premium blend of fine fescue and perennial ryegrass specifically bred to thrive in this region.


Bermudagrass grass seed and fertilizer mix: Bermudagrass is perfect for southern lawns receiving eight or more hours of direct sunlight daily. In addition to its remarkable resistance to heat, drought, and traffic, Pennington Smart Seed Bermudagrass provides rapid establishment and robust coverage for double the expected outcomes.


Dense shade grass seed and fertilizer mix: You may have experienced some difficulty growing thick, green grass, given that your lawn doesn’t see much sunlight. Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade needs merely 2 to 6 hours of daily sunlight and provides an ideal blend of Fine Fescue and Tall Fescue to shade-loving plants.


Kentucky bluegrass grass seed and fertilizer mix: For a large number of lawn owners in the United States, Kentucky bluegrass is connected with the ideal lawn. Resistant to disease and traffic, Pennington Smart Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Blend produces lush, dense, and resilient grass that will turn the heads of your neighbors.


Ohio grass seed and fertilizer mix: Your grass needs to weather Ohio’s harsh winters and steamy summers. A premium blend of Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, and Fine Fescues bred to thrive in this climate makeup Pennington Smart Seed Ohio Mix.


Pennsylvania grass seed and fertilizer mix: Your grass needs to weather the harsh winters and steamy summers of Pennsylvania. A premium blend of Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, and Fine Fescues bred to thrive in this climate makeup Pennington Smart Seed Pennsylvania Mix.


Perennial Ryegrass and fertilizer blend: This cool-season perennial yields an easy-establishing, lush, fine-textured, durable turf with good traffic tolerance.
Southern sun and shade grass seed and fertilizer mix: Lawn grasses vary in the sunshine required to stay healthy. If portions of your lawn receive sun while other parts experience moderate shade, Pennington Smart Seed Sun & Shade is the ideal mixture for Southern conditions.


Sun and shade grass seed and fertilizer mix: The sun required for lawn grasses to stay healthy varies. If some zones of your lawn receive sun and other parts receive mild shade, Pennington Smart Seed Sun & Shade provides the perfect mixture of Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Fine Fescue, and Kentucky Bluegrass to thrive in these conditions.


Texas bermudagrass grass seed and fertilizer mix: Texas lawns that receive at least eight hours of direct sunlight daily are perfect for Bermudagrass. Pennington Smart Seed Texas Bermudagrass offers fast establishment and strong coverage for 2x results, including exceptional heat, drought, and traffic tolerance.

2. One Step Complete:

This is a convenient, all-in-one grass seed, fertilizer, and mulch mixture designed to simplify the lawn establishment process.



All-in-One Solution:
Pennington One Step Complete is often marketed as an all-in-one solution for establishing a new lawn.
It typically includes grass seed, fertilizer, and mulch in a single package.

Convenient Application:
The product is designed to be convenient and user-friendly, allowing homeowners to easily apply it to their lawns without needing separate products.


Enhanced Seed Coating:
Some versions of Pennington One Step Complete may feature advanced seed coating technologies, such as Penkoted coating.
Seed coatings are designed to improve germination rates, protect against diseases, and provide other benefits to support seedling establishment.


Optimized Grass Seed Blend:
The grass seed blend-in Pennington One Step Complete is typically formulated for quick germination and establishment.
The blend may include a mix of grass varieties suitable for the intended use and region.


Mulch for Moisture Retention:
The mulch retains moisture around the seeds, promoting a favorable germination environment and early growth.


Starter Fertilizer:
Pennington One Step Complete often includes a starter fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for the initial stages of grass growth.
Starter fertilizers typically contain a balanced ratio of nutrients to support root development and overall plant health.


Coverage Information:
The packaging usually provides information on the coverage area, helping users determine how much product is needed for their specific lawn size.


Suitability for Various Soil Types:
Pennington One Step Complete may be formulated to work well in different soil types, providing versatility for homeowners with varying lawn conditions.
Ultimate Plus Grass Seed: Some Pennington products may be labeled as “Ultimate Plus,” indicating a premium blend of grass seed varieties, possibly including improved disease resistance and durability.


3. Sun & Shade Mix:

Pennington offers blends specifically formulated for lawns that experience a mix of sun and shade. These mixes typically include grass varieties that can thrive in sunny and shaded areas that receive full sun or as little as four hours per day.



  • The ideal blend of Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, and Fine Fescue to withstand light shade and sunlight
  • Perfect grass seed for lawns with patches of sun and patches of moderate shade
  • Has the ideal quantity of fertilizer to support the growth of your grass.
  • For regions receiving four to six hours of sunlight, exceptional resilience to illness and capacity to withstand drought
  • Save up to 30% more water annually compared to regular grass seed.
  • Grows in 8 to 21 days
  • A bag can cover 2,330 square feet
  • Has a medium to deep green color and weighs 7 pounds
  • The following Provinces, States, or Territories are not eligible to purchase this item: NL, PE, NS, NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC, YT, NT, and NU. Hardiness zones 2-6


4. High-Traffic Grass Seed:

For lawns that experience heavy foot traffic, Pennington may offer grass seed blends that include wear-resistant varieties, helping to establish a dense and resilient lawn.

  • Perfect grass seed for lawns with patches of sun and patches of moderate shade


  • Durable Grass Varieties:
  • The seed blend is likely to include grass varieties known for their durability and ability to recover from wear and tear.

Quick Germination:

  • High-traffic grass seed blends are often formulated for quick germination, allowing the lawn to establish faster and endure heavy use.

Improved Wear Tolerance:

  • The grass varieties for these blends typically exhibit enhanced wear tolerance, ensuring the lawn can withstand frequent foot traffic without significant damage.

High Density:

  • The seed mix may promote the development of a dense turf, which can help protect the soil and provide a resilient surface for high-traffic areas.

Adaptability to Various Soil Types:

  • Pennington high-traffic grass seed blends may be formulated to perform well in different soil types, providing versatility for homeowners with diverse lawn conditions.

Resistance to Disease and Pests:

  • Some blends may include grass varieties with improved resistance to common lawn diseases and pests, ensuring the lawn stays healthy even in challenging conditions.

Regular Maintenance Requirements:

  • While the grass may be more resilient, regular maintenance practices such as mowing and fertilizing may still be necessary to keep the lawn in optimal condition.

Optimal Mowing Height:

  • The product packaging or guidelines may provide information on the recommended mowing height for the grass varieties included in the high-traffic seed blend.

Watering Recommendations:

  • Guidance on watering practices may be included to support proper establishment and maintenance of the lawn in high-traffic areas.

5. Heat-Tolerant Varieties:


In regions with hot climates, Pennington may provide grass seed blends containing heat-tolerant species, such as certain types of Bermuda grass or Zoysia grass.


  • Drought Resistance:
  • Heat-tolerant grass varieties are often selected for their ability to withstand periods of drought and high temperatures, making them suitable for arid or hot climates.

Optimized for Warm-Season Grasses:

  • The seed blend may include warm-season grass varieties that are well-adapted to thrive in hot conditions. Examples include Bermuda grass or Zoysia grass.

Quick Germination in Warm Conditions:

  • Heat-tolerant varieties are typically chosen for their ability to germinate quickly in warm soil, facilitating the establishment of a lawn in hot weather.

Increased Sunlight Tolerance:

  • These grass seed varieties may exhibit enhanced tolerance to direct sunlight, allowing them to thrive in full sun conditions without excessive stress.

Disease Resistance:

  • Some heat-tolerant blends may include grass varieties with improved resistance to common diseases that can be exacerbated by hot and humid conditions.

Heat Stress Recovery:

  • The selected grass varieties may have the ability to recover from heat stress, ensuring the lawn remains resilient and healthy even during periods of high temperature.

Adaptability to Specific Regions:

  • Pennington heat-tolerant grass seed blends may be formulated to suit specific regions with warm climates, providing an optimal mix of grass varieties for local conditions.

Water Efficiency:

  • Heat-tolerant grasses are often chosen for their water efficiency, requiring less irrigation compared to some cool-season varieties.

6. Grass Seed Contractors Mix:

  • Contractors Mix sets the course for a high-performance, professional-grade lawn. This mix contains varieties formulated for the Midwest, so you can rest easy knowing the seed mix you buy will provide quick, dense, professional-grade results.


High-Quality Grass Varieties:

  • Contractor-grade mixes typically include high-quality grass seed varieties selected for their hardiness, quick germination, and overall performance.


  • Contractor mixes are often designed to be suitable for various soil types and growing conditions.

Quick Germination:

  • These blends may contain grass varieties known for their rapid germination, allowing for faster establishment of a new lawn.

Disease Resistance:

  • The grass seed varieties in a Contractors Mix may possess enhanced resistance to common lawn diseases, promoting a healthier lawn in various environments.

Tolerance to Traffic:

  • Contractor-grade mixes may include grass varieties exhibiting good wear tolerance, making them suitable for lawns that will experience heavy foot traffic.

Adaptability to Different Climates:

  • Some mixes are formulated to perform well in different climates, making them suitable for contractors in various regions.

Uniform Appearance:

  • Contractor blends often aim for a uniform appearance, providing a consistent and attractive lawn that meets the standards expected in professional landscaping.

All-Season Performance:

  • The grass varieties in Contractors Mixes may be selected to provide good performance across different seasons, ensuring a green and healthy lawn year-round.

Coverage Information:

  • The product packaging typically provides information on the coverage area, helping contractors determine how much product is needed for their specific project.

Simplified Application:

  • Contractor mixes may be designed for easy application, allowing for efficient and straightforward seeding during landscaping projects.

How to care for and grow Pennington grass seed

Growing a healthy and vibrant lawn from Pennington grass seed requires proper care and attention throughout the seeding and establishment process. Here’s a general guide on how to care for and grow Pennington grass seed:


1. Soil Preparation:

  • Begin by preparing the soil. Remove debris, rocks, and other obstacles.
  • Loosen the top 2-4 inches of soil to create a good seedbed.
  • Amend the soil with organic matter if necessary.

2. Selecting the Right Seed:

  • Choose the Pennington grass seed blend that suits your region, climate, and specific lawn conditions.
  • Read and follow the instructions on the seed bag for recommended seeding rates.

3. Seeding:

  • Follow the recommended seeding rates for Pennington grass seed product you’ve chosen. Use a broadcast spreader for even seed distribution. Rake the earth lightly to cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil.

4. Watering:

  • Keep the seeded area constantly moist until the grass takes root.
  • Water softly and regularly to prevent the soil from drying out.
  • Resist overwatering, as it can lead to diseases and poor root development.

5. Fertilizing:

  • Follow the recommended fertilization schedule on the Pennington grass seed package.
  • Consider using a starter fertilizer to promote initial root growth.


6. Mowing:

  • Wait until the grass reaches the recommended mowing height before the first mowing.
  • The mower blade should be adjusted to the correct height depending on the type of grass in your blend.
  • Don’t cut more than one-third of the grass at once when you mow.

7. Weed Control:

  • Monitor the lawn for weeds and address them promptly.
  • Pre-emergent herbicides can be used to stop weed growth before it becomes an issue.

8. Disease and Pest Management:

  • Keep an eye out for signs of diseases or pests.
  • Treat any issues promptly with appropriate fungicides or insecticides.

9. Regular Maintenance:

  • Continue to irrigate, mow, and fertilize according to the needs of the grass species in your blend.
  • Consider aerating the lawn to encourage healthy root development.

10. Seasonal Care:

  • Adjust your lawn care routine based on seasonal changes.
  • Provide extra care during extreme weather conditions such as hot summers or cold winters.


Q &A
What is Penkoted grass seed?

Penkoted grass seed refers to a type of grass seed treated with a seed coating technology called Penkote. Penkote is a brand name for a seed treatment developed by Pennington Seed, Inc., a well-known company in the lawn and garden industry.
The Penkote seed coating serves several purposes to enhance the performance of the grass seed. Some known features and benefits of Penkoted grass seed include:


  • Improved Germination: The seed coating helps facilitate quicker and more uniform germination of the grass seed, leading to a faster establishment of the lawn.
  • Protection Against Diseases: Penkote often includes fungicides in the seed coating, protecting against common seed-borne diseases. This helps promote healthier seedlings.
  • Enhanced Seedling Vigor: The coating may contain nutrients and growth stimulants that contribute to the overall vigor and health of the emerging seedlings.
  • Reduced Stress on Seedlings: Penkote is designed to create a favorable microenvironment around the grass seed, reducing stress factors that can negatively impact seedling development.
  • Protection from Insects: Some Penkote formulations include insecticides to protect the seeds from pests during the germination and early growth stages.
  • Increased Seed Survival Rates: By offering protection against diseases and pests, Penkote can contribute to higher seed survival rates, ensuring a more successful lawn establishment.
When is the best time to plant Pennington grass seed?


The best time to plant Pennington grass seed depends on the type of grass you’re using and the climate of your region. Different grass species have specific growing preferences, and choosing the right time for planting is crucial for successful germination and establishment. Here are some general guidelines:

1. Cool-Season Grasses (e.g., Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue, Ryegrass):

  • Cool-season grasses are best planted in autumn, usually in late summer or early fall.
  • Cool temperatures and more consistent moisture during the fall create favorable conditions for germination and establishment.
  • Spring is also suitable for planting cool-season grasses, but fall is generally considered the best.

2. Warm-Season Grasses (e.g., Bermuda Grass, Zoysia Grass, Bahia Grass):

  • Warm-season grasses are best planted in late springtime to early summertime when soil temperatures are consistently warm.
  • These grasses require warmer conditions for successful germination and establishment.

3. Transition Zone:

  • In regions referred to as the transition zone, where warm- and cool-season grasses coexist, it is advisable to choose a planting date that accommodates the preferences of each variety of grass.
  • Fall is often recommended for overseeding warm-season lawns with cool-season grasses in the transition zone.
Is Pennington grass seed safe for pets?


Most grass seed products, including those from Pennington, are safe for pets once the grass seed has been properly planted and established as a general rule. However, there are some considerations and precautions to keep in mind to ensure the safety of your pets:

  1. 1. Seed Coatings: Some grass seed products may be fertilizer or treatment-coated. While these coatings are generally safe for pets after planting, keep pets away from the seed during the planting process.
    2. Fertilizers and Soil Amendments: If you use additional fertilizers or soil amendments during the lawn establishment process, be cautious about the types and quantities used. Some fertilizers may be harmful to pets if ingested.
    3. Keep Pets Away During Germination: It’s advisable to keep pets away from newly seeded areas during the germination period,
    4. The emerging grass seedlings are delicate, and the soil may contain additives that could be harmful if ingested.
    5. Watering Practices: Ensure the lawn is irrigated adequately and follow recommended watering practices. Some fertilizers may require watering to activate or reduce their concentration, and allowing pets to play in recently fertilized or watered areas should be avoided.
    6. Check the Product Label: Read the product label and instructions carefully. The label should provide information on any potential hazards and recommended precautions.
    7. Consult with a Veterinarian: If you have specific concerns or your pet has a history of sensitivity to certain substances, it’s advisable to consult your veterinarian for personalized advice.

Remember that once the grass is grown, it generally poses little risk to pets. Many pets enjoy playing on lawns and may find the grass to be a safe and comfortable area.

How long can I store grass seed?


The storage life of grass seed can be affected by several factors, including the type of grass seed, storage environment, and packaging. On the other hand, grass seed can survive for a while if the right circumstances are met. Here are a few broad recommendations:


  1. Cool and Dry Storage: The key to prolonging the viability (2 years after test date) of grass seed is to store it in a cool, dry place. Humidity and warmth can reduce the germination rate of the grass seed.
  2. Original Packaging: If the grass seed is still in its original, unopened packaging, it may have a longer shelf life. The packaging is designed to protect the grass seed from environmental conditions.
  3. Sealed Containers: If you open a bag of grass seed but do not use all of it, consider transferring the remaining grass seed to a sealed container or a resealable bag. This helps protect the grass seed from moisture and pests.
  4. Expiration Date: Some grass seed products come with an expiration or “sell by” date. Check the packaging for date information, and use the grass seed before that date for optimal germination.

Type of Grass Seed: Different grass species have varying storage lives. Generally, cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass and fescue may have a longer shelf life, unlike warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass.

Germination Testing: If you are unsure about the viability of older grass seed, you can perform a germination test. Place a sample of the grass seed between moist paper towels and observe how many seeds sprout. If a significant portion germinates, the grass seed is likely still viable.

Store Away from Pests: Ensure the storage area is free from pests that may damage the grass seed.

What grass seed is best for my area?

Identifying the correct grass seed for your area depends on several factors, such as your location, climate, type of soil, and intended use of the lawn. Different grass species and varieties suit specific regions and conditions. Here are some general guidelines for selecting the right grass seed for your area:

  1. Determine Your Climate Zone: • Identify your USDA hardiness zone or climate zone. This information will help you choose grass species well-suited to temperature and weather conditions in your region.
  2. Cool-Season Grasses vs. Warm-Season Grasses: Determine whether you are in a region that experiences cool-season or warm-season climates. Cool-season grasses, like Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, and perennial ryegrass, thrive in cooler temperatures, while warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda grass, Zoysia grass, and Bahia grass, prefer warmer temperatures.
  3. Consider Sunlight and Shade Conditions: Analyze the amount of sunshine your lawn receives. Certain grass species thrive in full sun, while others may survive or flourish in shaded areas.

Think about using a grass seed combination made for situations where your lawn receives both sun and shade.

  1.  Soil Type and Quality: Assess your soil type. Different grass species perform better in specific soil conditions. For example, some grasses are well-suited to sandy soils, while others thrive in clayey or loamy soils. Do a soil test to determine nutrient levels and pH.
  2. Water Availability: Consider the water availability in your area. Some grasses, like fine fescue, are more drought-tolerant, while others may require more consistent watering.
  3. Intended Use of the Lawn: Determine the primary use of your lawn. If you have a high-traffic area, choose a grass seed blend variety known for its wear resistance. For ornamental lawns, prioritize aesthetics and color.
  4. Local Recommendations:

Consult with local gardening experts, nurseries, or extension services. They can provide valuable insights into the best grass seed varieties for your area.

  1. Cool and Dry Storage: The key to prolonging the viability (2 years after test date) of grass seed is to store it in a cool, dry place. Humidity and warmth can reduce the germination rate of the grass seed.
  2. Check Local Regulations: Recognize any limits or laws that may apply locally governing the kinds of grass. Certain areas may prohibit certain grass species to prevent invasiveness.
  3. Use Grass Seed Blends: Consider using grass seed blends that combine different grass species. These blends are often formulated to provide a well-rounded lawn that can adapt to varying conditions.


How long does it take grass seed to germinate?

The time it takes for grass seed to germinate can vary based on several factors, including the grass species, environmental conditions, soil temperature, and moisture levels. Here’s a general guideline for the germination time of common grass species:

  1. Cool-Season Grasses: Cool-season grasses, such as perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and fescue sprout in 7 to 21 days under ideal conditions. Sprouting may occur faster in warmer temperatures but takes longer in cool conditions.
  2. Warm-Season Grasses: Warm-season grasses, like Zoysia grass, Bahia grass, and Bermuda grass, have a quicker germination time, ranging from 7 to 14 days under ideal conditions. These grasses prefer warmer soil temperatures for optimal germination.
  3. Fine Fescue: Fine fescue varieties, often used for shade tolerance, can take around 14 to 21 days to germinate.

Remember that these are general estimates, and the actual germination time can vary based on specific cultivars, local climate conditions, and soil preparation.

Here are some factors that can influence germination time:

  • Soil Temperature: Warmer soil temperatures generally promote faster germination. Cool-season grasses may germinate more quickly in spring and fall when soil temperatures are ideal.
  • Moisture Levels: Adequate and consistent soil moisture is crucial for germination. Keep the soil continuously damp but not soggy during the germination period.
  • Soil Preparation: Well-prepared soil with good seed-to-soil contact can enhance germination. Raking the soil lightly after seeding can help cover the seeds and promote contact with the soil.
  • Grass Seed Coating: Coated grass seeds, such as Penkote, can enhance germination rates and protect against diseases.
  • Local Climate Conditions: Environmental factors such as humidity, sunlight, and rainfall can influence the germination process.

Where do I get Pennington grass seed?

Pennington grass seed is commonly available at various retail locations, including

  • Home Improvement Stores: Large home improvement stores like Ace Hardware, Lowe’s, and Home Depot frequently have a range of Pennington grass seed products.
  • Garden Centers and Nurseries: Local garden centers and nurseries stock Pennington grass seed, especially during the lawn care and gardening seasons.
  • Online Retailers: You can find Pennington grass seed on various online platforms, like the official Pennington website, as well as popular online retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and others.
  • Farm and Feed Supply Stores: Some farm supply stores or agricultural supply centers may carry Pennington grass seed, particularly those with lawn and garden sections.
  • Local Hardware Stores: Check with local hardware stores in your area, as they often carry lawn care products, including grass seed.
  • Lawn and Garden Specialty Stores: Specialty stores focused on lawn and garden supplies may also carry Pennington grass seed.

How much do Pennington grass seed cost?

The price of Pennington grass seed may vary depending on the specific product, variety of the grass seed, the size of the packet, and the retailer. Additionally, prices may change over time, and seasonal promotions or discounts can influence the cost.

Factors such as the blend, seed quality, and coatings may also influence pricing. Keep in mind that investing in a quality grass seed can contribute to a healthier and more resilient lawn.

Visit the official Pennington website for information on their products, including any new releases or promotions.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, check with local retailers, online stores, or the official Pennington website.


(a) Quality Varieties:

Pennington is known for using high-quality grass seed varieties in its products, contributing to the establishment of healthy and attractive lawns.

(b) Specialized Blends:

Pennington provides specialty grass seed mixes for different applications, including high-traffic areas, sun and shadow mixes, drought-tolerant lawns, and more, giving homeowners options for their requirements.

(c) Innovative Seed Coatings:

Some Pennington grass seed products may feature innovative seed coatings, such as Penkote. These coatings can enhance germination rates, protect against diseases, and improve seed performance.

(d) Availability:

Pennington grass seed is easily accessible to customers due to its widespread availability in garden shops, big-box stores, and internet merchants.

(e) Established Brand Reputation:

Pennington has a long history and a positive reputation in the lawn care industry. Many homeowners trust the brand for their lawn care needs.


(a) Cost:

Some users may find Pennington grass seed products are relatively costly compared to generic or store brands. However, the perceived value may justify the price for those seeking specific features.


(b) Variable Results:

Like any grass seed, success can depend on factors such like proper soil preparation, watering, and maintenance. While Pennington strives to provide quality products, individual results may vary based on local conditions and practices.


(c) Product Specifics:

It’s critical to comprehend the unique qualities and attributes of every Pennington grass seed product. To make sure the grass seed you have purchased is appropriate for your lawn’s needs and conditions, it is imperative that you carefully study product labels and descriptions.


(d) Changes in Formulations:

Companies may offer new items or alter existing compositions over time. Keep updated on any modifications to ensure the selected product satisfies your expectations.


(e) Dependence on Local Conditions:

The success of any grass seed, including Pennington, depends on factors like climate, soil, and maintenance practices. What works well in one region may not perform as effectively in another.



When considering Pennington grass seed or any other lawn product, assess your lawn needs, climate conditions, and soil type. Reading product labels, reviews, and following recommended guidelines for planting and maintenance will help ensure the best results for your lawn.

Always follow the specific instructions provided by Pennington for the particular grass seed product you’ve chosen. These guidelines are general and may need to be adapted based on your lawn conditions and local climate. Regular monitoring and consistent care will help ensure a lush and healthy lawn.

Remember that product features vary based on the specific Smart Seed blend or product line. Always read and follow the instructions on the product packaging for the best results.

It is advisable you speak with Pennington directly if you have any concerns or questions regarding the safety of a specific Pennington grass seed product or with your veterinarian for advice unique to your circumstances.

Please check the official Pennington website or contact the company for the most accurate and up-to-date information.