Black Beauty Grass Seed

Black Beauty Grass, a creator of lush, dark-green lawns

“Black Beauty Grass Seed” is a brand of grass seed specifically known for its high-quality grass varieties designed to create lush, dark-green lawns. Developed by Jonathan Green, Black Beauty grass seed is often praised for its ability to produce a dense and vibrant turf. Please note there may be developments or new products introduced, and it’s advisable to check for any updates or new formulations.


Here’s a general overview of Black Beauty grass seed:


Black Beauty Grass Seed:



    • Black Beauty grass seed blends typically consist of a mix of different cool-season grass varieties. Common varieties include Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue.
    • These varieties are chosen for their complementary characteristics, such as color, texture, and resilience.


  • The dark-green hue that the grass seed is intended to yield is linked to the moniker “Black Beauty”.
  • A distinctive, deep green lawn that is aesthetically pleasing is the aim.


Drought Resistance:

  • Some varieties within the Black Beauty blends are often chosen for their ability to withstand drought conditions, making them suitable for different climates.


Disease Resistance of Black Beauty Grass Seed:

  • This may help the lawn remain healthy and long-lasting overall. Many Black Beauty grass seed blends include varieties that exhibit resistance to common lawn diseases.

Traffic Tolerance:

  • The grass varieties for Black Beauty blends are chosen for their resilience and capacity to withstand foot traffic, especially for busy lawns.

Planting and Maintenance:

  • Proper planting and maintenance practices are crucial for achieving the desired results, including proper soil preparation, adequate watering, and regular fertilization.

Manufacturer’s Recommendations:

  • Following the manufacturer’s guidelines for planting and maintenance is essential to maximize the performance of Black Beauty grass seed.

Availability of Black Beauty Grass Seed

Generally speaking, garden centers, home improvement stores, and internet merchants carry Black Beauty grass seed. Different blends may be offered for specific purposes like sun or shade tolerance.


Varieties of black beauty grass seed


Jonathan Green’s Black Beauty grass seed line includes several varieties designed to create lush, dark-green lawns. Please note that new varieties or updates may have been introduced since then.


Here are some of the common varieties that were part of the Black Beauty grass seed blends:

1. Black Beauty Ultra:
    • This blend often includes elite Kentucky Bluegrasses and fine fescues, aiming to produce a dense, dark-green lawn.
    • Germinates in 10-14 days and thrives in full sun to medium shade areas (4 to 8 hours of sunlight) with excellent heat and disease resistance.
    • Establishes fast in newly seeded lawns and fills in bare spots quickly in thin lawns.
    • The roots can grow up to 4ft deep.
    • The waxy leaf coating preserves moisture.
    • The grass grows uniformly.
    • The traffic tolerance is good.
    • The packages include 3lb, 7lb, 25lb and 50lb.
    • Recommended planting months for the cool-season grasses are in mid-August to mid-October and mid-March to mid-May.
    • Coverage


  • 3 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 1,200 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 600 sq. ft.
  • 7 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 2,800 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 1,400 sq. ft.
  • 25 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 10,000 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 5,000 sq. ft.
2. Black Beauty Sunny Grass Seed:
    • Specifically formulated for lawns that receive more sunlight, this blend may consist of sun-loving grass varieties to thrive in full sun conditions.
    • Great heat and drought resistance, ideal for sunny lawns.
    • Excellent shade tolerance.
    • Excellent insect resistance.
    • Excellent traffic tolerance.
    • The waxy leaf coating limits evaporation and shields the grass leaves from disease.
    • Thrives on slopes where water runs off.
    • Germinates within 7 to 14 days.
    • Coverage
    • 1lb (850sf), 3lb (2550sf) and 7lb (5950sf).


3. Black Beauty Dense Shade Grass Seed:
    • Designed for areas with limited sunlight, this blend typically contains grass varieties well-suited for shady conditions, such as certain fine fescues.
    • Germinates in 14 to 21 days.
    • Excellent shade tolerance.
    • The packaging sizes are 1lb, 3lb, 7lb and 25lb.
    • Contains endophytes for natural insect and disease resistance.
    • Coverage:
  • 3 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 1,800 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 900 sq. ft.
  • 7 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 4,200 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 2,100 sq. ft.
  • 25 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 15,000 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 7,500 sq. ft.
4. Black Beauty Fall Magic Grass Seed:
    • Tailored for over-seeding in the fall, this blend may include cool-season grass varieties that establish well during the cooler months.
    • Thrives when planted in September to November.
    • Perfect for repairing lawns damaged by insect and summer disease.
    • Germinates in 10 to 14 days.
    • Thrives in full to partial shade.
    • Available in 3lb, 7lb and 25lb.
    • Coverage
    • 3 lb package
    • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 1,500 sq. ft.
    • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 750 sq. ft.
  • 7 lb package
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 3,500 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 1,750 sq. ft.


  • 25 lb package
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 12,500 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 6,250 sq. ft.
5. Black Beauty Shady Nooks Grass Seed:
    • Another shade-specific blend, formulated to thrive in areas with reduced sunlight. It may include shade-tolerant fine fescues.
    • Considered the most shade-tolerant mixture.
    • Needs minimal water and fertilizer.
    • Germinates within 10 to 14 days.
    • Available in 3lb, 7lb and 25lb packages.
    • Coverage:
  • 3 lb package
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 2,250 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 1,125 sq. ft.
  • 7 lb package
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 5,250 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 2,625 sq. ft.
  • 25 lb package
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 18,750 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 9,375 sq. ft.


6. Black Beauty Original Grass Seed Mixture:
    • The original Black Beauty blend often includes a mix of Kentucky Bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescues to create a versatile and visually appealing lawn.
    • Excellent drought-tolerance.
    • A blend of cool-season tall fescue grass seeds that sprout in ten to fourteen days.
    • Thrives under adverse growing conditions, has a uniform leafy texture and does not shred when mowed.
    • The root system is extensive and grows up to 4ft deep.
    • The leaves possess invisible waxy coating that shields the grass blades from disease and preserves moisture.
    • The packages include 5lb, 15lb, and 25lb.
    • Coverage
  • 3 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 2,250 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 1,125 sq. ft.
  • 7 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 5,250 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 2,625 sq. ft.
  • 25 lb Bag
  • Over-seeding – Seeds up to 18,750 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – Seeds up to 9,375 sq. ft.


7. Black Beauty Sun & Shade Grass Seed Mixture:
    • A blend of tall fescues, perennial ryegrass, and Kentucky Bluegrass.
    • Grows uniformly into a thick, dark-green lawn in sun and partial shade locations.
    • Excellent adaptability.
    • Excellent insect resistance.
    • Deep roots.
    • The packages include 1lb, 3lb, 7lb and 25lb.
    • The planting season in March to mid-June or August to October.
    • Coverage:
  • 1 lb package
  • Over-seeding – approx. 750 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – approx. 375 sq. ft.
  • 3 lb package
  • Over-seeding – approx. 2,250 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – approx. 1,125 sq. ft.
  • 7 lb package
  • Over-seeding – approx. 5,250 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – approx. 2,625 sq. ft.
  • 25 lb package
  • Over-seeding – approx. 18,750 sq. ft.
  • Fresh Lawns – approx. 9,375 sq. ft.
Planting Black Beauty Grass Seed:
  1. Soil Preparation:
  • Start with a soil test to determine pH and nutrient levels of your soil. Black Beauty grass seed generally prefers well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.
  1. Clear the Area:
  • Remove any debris, rocks, or existing vegetation from the planting area to allow the grass seed to make good contact with the soil.
  1. Seedbed Preparation:
  • Use a fork or garden hoe to loosen the top 2-3 inches of soil to assist foster a conducive environment for seed sprouting and root growth.
  1. Seeding:
  • Observe the seeding rate that suggested on the product label. Distribute the Black Beauty grass seed evenly across the designated area using a broadcast spreader.
  1. Covering the Seeds:
  • Gently scrape the soil to cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil to guarantee adequate soil-to-seed contact, which is necessary for germination.
  1. Watering:
  • Give the sown area a good irrigation immediately after planting. Keep the soil continually moist until the grass establishes.


Black Beauty Grass Seed Care:
  1. Watering:
  • Use a deep, infrequent stream of water. Aim for about one to one and a half inches of water per week through rainfall or irrigation. Water early in the morning to reduce the risk of disease.
  1. Fertilization:
  • Adhere to the fertilization plan that your particular Black Beauty grass seed blend recommends. A wholesome fertilization program in springtime and fall-time is usually advantageous.
  1. Mowing:
  • Start cutting the grass when it reaches the recommended height for your specific blend. Keep the mower blades sharp, and never cut more than one-third of the grass height in a single mowing.
  1. Weed Control:
  • Regularly check the lawn for weeds and take quick action. Use herbicides or manually remove by hand, depending on the severity of the weed infestation.
  1. Disease and Pest Management:
  • Monitor the lawn for signs of diseases or pests. Follow integrated pest management practices and treat issues promptly to prevent them from spreading.
  1. Over-seeding:
  • Depending on the variety of Black Beauty grass seed you’ve planted, consider over-seeding in the fall to maintain a dense and healthy lawn.
  1. Aeration:
  • Aerating the lawn every 1-2 years can help improve soil aeration, water penetration, and nutrient absorption.
  1. Winterizing (For Cool-Season Grasses):
  • In late Autumn, apply a winterizing fertilizer to help the grass prepare for the winter months.


What is over-seeding?


Over-seeding is a horticultural practice that involves sowing grass seed over an existing lawn. The primary purpose of over-seeding is to improve the density, color, and overall health of the turf. This method is commonly used to rejuvenate lawns that may have thin or bare areas, improve grass varieties, and enhance the overall appearance of the lawn.


Here are the key reasons to perform over-seeding:

  1. Lawn Renovation:
    • Over-seeding is part of a lawn renovation process to address issues such as thinning grass, bare patches, or an aging lawn.
  1. Improving Grass Varieties:
    • Introducing new grass varieties to an existing lawn can improve its resilience, disease resistance, and appearance. This is especially important if the existing lawn has outdated or less desirable grass types.
  1. Enhancing Density:
    • Foot traffic, illness, pests, and environmental stressors can cause lawns to progressively become thinner over time. Over-seeding helps fill-in these patchy spots, promoting a thicker and healthier lawn.
  1. Introducing Drought-Tolerant or Disease-Resistant Varieties:
    • Homeowners can create a more resilient and sustainable lawn by overseeding with grass varieties that are more tolerant to specific environmental conditions or resistant to diseases.
  1. Seasonal Adjustments:
    • Lawns may be over-seeded seasonally to adapt to changing weather conditions. For example, over-seeding in the fall with cool-season grasses can help maintain a green lawn during the cooler months.


How to over-seed black beauty grass seed


Over-seeding with Black Beauty grass seed can rejuvenate a lawn or enhance its density and appearance. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to over-seed with Black Beauty grass seed:


Steps Involved in Over-seeding:


Materials Needed:

Black Beauty grass seed blend:

Choose the variety that best suits your lawn’s conditions (e.g., Black Beauty Ultra for general use, Black Beauty Sunny for sunny areas, or Black Beauty Dense Shade for shady spots).

Lawn mower or grass trimmer:

Cut the existing grass to a height of around 2 inches before over-seeding.

Lawn rake or dethatching tool: Remove debris, dead grass, or thatch to expose the soil surface.


Broadcast spreader or handheld spreader:

Use this to uniformly distribute the grass seed over the lawn.



Consider using a starter fertilizer to provide nutrients for the newly germinating grass.

Topsoil or compost (optional): If the soil is compacted or poor, adding a thin layer of topsoil or compost can improve seed-to-soil contact.



Cut the existing grass to a shorter height. Remove debris, thatch, and any dead grass to expose the soil.



Fall is Ideal: For cool-season grasses like those found in Black Beauty blends, fall is the best time for over-seeding. The soil is still warm, and there’s usually more moisture available.


Remove Debris:

Clear away any debris, thatch, or leaves from the lawn to ensure the new seeds make direct contact with the soil.


Aerate the Soil:

Make holes in the soil to enhance soil aeration, water penetration, and facilitate the new seeds to settle into the ground.


Seed Selection:

Choose the appropriate Black Beauty grass seed blend for over-seeding. Some blends are specifically designed for fall over-seeding and may contain quick-establishing varieties.


Seed Application:

Evenly spread the Black Beauty grass seed over the lawn. Follow the recommended seeding rate provided on the product label.


Rake in the Seed:

Lightly scrape the soil to bury the seeds with a thin layer of soil to achieve optimal seed-to-soil contact and enhance germination.


Apply Starter Fertilizer:

Consider applying a starter fertilizer to supply essential nutrients for seed establishment. Select a fertilizer with an NPK ratio that is balanced. Select a fertilizer with an NPK ratio that is balanced.



Water the over-seeded area thoroughly immediately after planting. Keep the soil constantly moist until the new grass establishes.


Post-Over-seeding Care:

Continue watering until the new grass is well-established. It might be necessary to water this several times a day for shorter periods of time.


Limit Foot Traffic:

Minimize foot traffic on the over-seeded area until the new grass grows to avoid damaging the delicate seedlings.


Mowing the New Growth:

Once the new grass reaches a height of three inches, cut it for the first time. Do not mow more than one-third of the grass height in a single mowing.


Regular Maintenance:

Avoid heavy foot activity on the newly over-seeded area until the grass grows. Monitor the lawn’s progress and adjust watering and maintenance practices accordingly. Continue with regular lawn maintenance practices, including fertilization, weed control, and pest management.


Advantages of Over-seeding:


Improved Lawn Density:

Over-seeding helps increase the number of grass plants per square foot, leading to a thicker and denser lawn.


Enhanced Appearance:

The introduction of new, high-quality grass varieties can improve the overall visual appeal of the lawn, creating a lush and vibrant green carpet.


Repairing Bare or Thin Areas:

One efficient method for addressing bare spots, thinning areas, or damage brought on by pests, illnesses, or environmental stress is over-seeding.


Resistance to Disease and Pests:

Introducing disease-resistant or pest-resistant grass varieties through over-seeding can enhance the lawn’s resilience and reduce the risk of infestations.


Seasonal Adaptation:

Lawns can be over-seeded with grass varieties better suited to seasonal changes, ensuring a green lawn year-round.


Improved Soil Health:

Over-seeding often involves soil preparation, which can contribute to better soil structure and health.


Environmentally Friendly:

Over-seeding is a sustainable way to enhance the lawn without chemical treatments or extensive renovations.


Increased Drought Tolerance:

Selecting drought-tolerant grass varieties during over-seeding can help the lawn withstand periods of water scarcity.


Cost-Effective Lawn Renovation:

Compared to a complete lawn replacement, over-seeding is a more cost-effective way to improve the quality and health of the turf.



Disadvantages of Over-seeding:


Competition for Resources:

Newly germinating grass plants compete with existing grass for sunlight, water, and nutrients. This competition can affect the overall success of over-seeding.



Proper over-seeding needs comprehensive soil preparation, seeding, and continuous maintenance, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.


Timing and Weather Dependency:

Over-seeding is most successful when performed during specific seasons and under favorable weather conditions. Timing is crucial for optimal seed germination.


Temporary Disruption of Lawn Use:

During the over-seeding process and the initial establishment of new grass, it’s advisable to limit foot traffic on the lawn, causing temporary inconvenience.


Risk of Uneven Results:

Achieving uniform coverage with the over-seeded grass can be challenging, leading to potential uneven growth patterns in the lawn.


Potential for Weed Growth:

Over-seeding may inadvertently create favorable conditions for weed growth. Weeds can compete with the new grass seedlings for resources.


Not Suitable for Severe Lawn Issues:

In cases of extensive lawn damage or severe soil issues, over-seeding alone may not be sufficient, and more comprehensive lawn renovation may be required.


Requires Ongoing Maintenance:

Successful over-seeding requires ongoing care, including regular watering and monitoring, to ensure the establishment of the new grass.

Where to get black beauty grass seed


Local Garden Centers and Nurseries:

Visit local garden centers, nurseries, and landscaping stores. These businesses often carry a variety of grass seed blends, including Black Beauty.


Home Improvement Stores:

Large home improvement and hardware stores, such as Home Depot, Lowe’s, or Ace Hardware, often stock a range of grass seed products, including Black Beauty.


Specialty Lawn and Garden Stores:

Some stores specialize in lawn and garden supplies. Check with specialty stores in your area that focus on landscaping and outdoor care.


Online Retailers:

Numerous online retailers and e-commerce platforms offer Black Beauty grass seed for purchase. Websites like Amazon, Walmart, and specialized garden supply websites may carry the product.


Local Seed Suppliers:

Contact local seed suppliers or distributors that specialize in turfgrass products. These businesses may supply garden centers or offer direct sales.


Farm Supply Stores:

Stores that cater to farmers and agricultural needs may carry grass seed, including popular brands like Black Beauty. Examples include Tractor Supply Company.


Landscaping Companies:

Some landscaping companies or lawn care services may sell grass seed directly to customers. Inquire with local professionals in your area.



Agricultural cooperatives or farmer’s cooperatives may have a selection of grass seed for sale.



Prior to purchasing, visit the official web page of Jonathan Green, the makers of Black Beauty grass seed, for approved dealers and wholesalers for genuine product.

Reading customer reviews and consulting with local experts can also provide valuable insights into the performance of Black Beauty grass seed in your specific region.

Always adhere to the directions on the packaging and the recommended over-seeding practices for your region. Proper care and attention during the over-seeding process will contribute to the success of establishing a dense and vibrant lawn.

The price of Black Beauty grass seed can vary depending on the specific blend or variety, the quantity of seed, and the retailer or supplier. Additionally, the cost may fluctuate based on geographic location, seasonal demand, and any promotions or sales that may be ongoing.

When comparing prices, consider the seed’s quality, the specific blend or variety, and any additional features or treatments included in the product.

Remember that availability may change based on your location and the specific Black Beauty blend you are looking for (e.g., Ultra, Dense Shade, Sunny). Furthermore, the introduction new products or changes in distribution may have occurred since, so it’s a good idea to check with local retailers or online platforms for the most current information

You can also read more about the Pennington Grass variety here


Pennington, The Lawn Mowers Grass