Arkansas Traveler Tomato Variety

39 high yield tomato varieties in India 2023

High yield tomato varieties in India


India is the second largest tomato farming country in the world after China. Tomato is rated as the third most important crop after potato and onions. Due to its peculiar flavor and nutritional value tomato, is one of the most favorite fruits and has always been an integral part of the Indian cuisine. Tomato farming in India has been commercialized leading to lucrative agribusiness. This has resulted into the introduction of many varieties including hybrid varieties that are high yielding into the market. The maturity varies depending on variety, weather conditions and age of plants planted. Here are some of the 39 high yield tomato varieties in India.

Arka Rakshak

The determinate tomato variety is disease resistant (early blight) and high yielding. It is round in shape and weighs 90-100gms. The variety produces 19kgs of tomato fruit per plant and grows large hence staking. Arka rakshak tomato is suitable for fresh market and processing. The production rate is 75- 80tonnes per hectares. It matures after 140 days. This is one of the high yield tomato varieties in India.

Arka Shretha

Arka Shretha Tomato Variety
Arka Shretha Tomato Variety in India

It is a semi determinate variety that is high yielding that produces fruit weighing 70-75gms each. It has a strong shelf life of 17 days and is easy to transport. It is disease resistant (bacterial wilt) and is suitable for fresh tomato farming, market and processing. The average output is 76tonnes per hectares. It is also another high yield tomato varieties in India.

Rupali Tomato

Rupali is an early yielding determinate bearing medium sized tomato fruit that weighs 100gms. The fruit is round, smooth and strong skinned. The variety disease resistant (fusarium and verticillium wilt) is good for processing and is one of the best tomato variety in India.



A determinate tomato variety suitable for making juice that is disease resistant (fusarium and verticillium wilt). Its fruit is medium sized and weighs 100gms. The variety does well in hot and humid climates.

Arka Vardan

An indeterminate variety, it is a high yielding tomato variety and produces fruit weighing 140gms. The variety good for tomato farming and is resistant to nematode. It is suitable for fresh market and table purposes and ripens after 160 days. The production rate is 75tonnes per hectares. This is one of the high yield tomato varieties in India and is considered one of the best tomato variety in India





Tomato Variety in India
Rashmi Tomato Variety

Rashmi is a determinate variety of tomato with a round, firm, smooth, good colored fruit that weighs 90gms. It is resistant to fusarium and verticillium wilt. It matures after 70 days and is good for processing.


Arka Vishal

A high yielding indeterminate plant with an average output of 75tonnes per hectares. This is one of the high yielding tomato varieties to grow in India. The fruit is resistant to cracking and is considered one of the best tomato variety in India. It matures in 165 days and is suitable for salads.


Pusa 120

Pusa 120 tomato variety is a heavy yielder and produces medium sized fruit. It is resistant to nematodes.



It is suitably grown in the highlands and bears medium sized fruit. The fruit has a mixture of sweet, earthly and acidic flavor. An indeterminate, Sioux is good for short-distance market.


Roma Tomato Variety

Roma is a high yielder with fruit good for processing. The variety is a determinate and bears fruit weighing 60gms. It is resistant to verticillium and fusarium tomato diseases. It matures within 3 months.


Pusa Early Dwarf

It is determinate, with a round and medium sized fruit weighing 40-50gms, which matures early (55-60 days from transplant) and has an average of 15tonnes per acre. The fruit is suitable for processing and is considered one of the best tomato variety in India. The variety can be planted in summer and winter seasons.



The plant is a semi determinate and has medium sized fruit that is square in shape. The fruit weighs 80- 100gms and is tolerant to TYLCV. The variety is suitable for long distant transport and is considered one of the best tomato variety in India. It matures in 60-65 days. The average yield per acre is 25-30tonnes.


Paiyur-1 is a product of crossing two varieties of Pusa Ruby and CO3. It is suitable for rain fed cultivation. The plant yields 30tonnes per hectare.


Arka Saurabh

This plant is semi determinate that bears fruit weighing 70-75gms suitable for fresh market and processing. It matures in 140 days and yields 30-35tonnes per hectare. Arka saurabh is cultivated during kharif/rabi season. It is also one of the high yielding tomato varieties to grow in India..


Arka Meghali

Arka Meghali Tomato Variety
Arka Meghali Tomato Variety

This high yielding tomato variety is a semi determinate. It is a cross between Arka Vikas and IHR554. The fruit weighs 70gms. The variety can be grown in containers as well as in the field. It is suitable for rain fed cultivation. The plant grows large and needs staking. Each plant produces 30-40 fruits. It is cultivated in kharif season and matures in 125 days. The average yield is 16-18tonnes per hectare.

Arka Abha

The plant is a semi determinate and resistant to bacterial wilt. The fruit is medium sized and weighs 75gms. It ripens after 140 days and is good for table purposes. The plant has an average yield of 43tonnes per hectare and is planted during Kharif/Rabi season.


Arka Ashish

This is a semi determinate tomato variety, which produces round, firm and thick fleshed fruit, with a weight of 100gms. The fruit has good vine storability, is tolerant to powdery mildew and good for processing. It matures in 130 days and is sown in Kharif/Rabi season. The crop has an average yield of 38tonnes per hectare and is considered one of the best tomato variety in India.


Arka Alok

The plant is a determinate and bears fruit weighing 120gms. The plant is resistant to bacterial wilt and is cultivated during Kharif/Rabi season. The fruit is suitable for table purposes and matures in130 days. An average yield per hectare is 46tonnes.

Arka Ahuti

It is a semi determinate bearing oblong, bilocular fruit. It is grown in Kharif/Rabi season and matures in 135-140 days. The plant has an average yield of 42-46tonnes per hectare and is . The fruit is suitable for processing. It is amongst the 39 high yielding tomato varieties grown in India.


CO1 Tomato

The variety is a determinate with round, smooth and capsicum red fruit when ripe. The fruit weighs 125gms. The plant yields an average of 40tonnes per hectare. It is suitable for Southern India.


Marglobe Tomato

The tomato variety is suitable for highlands. It is an indeterminate plant with large, round, smooth and juicy fruit.



Rajni is a determinate tomato variety which is fast growing. The fruit is red in color and round in shape. It is a rainy season tomato variety and is suitable for long distance transportation.


Punjab Chuhra

The variety is a determinate suitable for processing. It is a cross between Rusa red plum and Sioux. The plant is high yielding and produces medium sized, pear shaped fruit. The fruit is scarlet red in color and it has a sweet flavor.


Arka Abhijit


Arka Abhijit Tomato Variety
Arka Abhijit Tomato Variety grown in India

This plant is a semi determinate, high yielding with round, medium sized fruit weighing 65-70gms. It is resistant to bacterial wilt. The fruit has thick flesh, good keeping quality (17 days) and suitable for long distance transportation. It is suitable for fresh market. The crop is cultivated in Kharif/Rabi season and matures in 140 days. 65tonnes can be produced per hectare and is considered one of the best tomato variety in India.

Pusa Ruby

The variety is a determinate used for canning, slicing and salads. It is suitable for irrigation and rain fed cultivation. The plant is an early growing crop and is suitable for sowing in spring-summer and autumn- winter seasons. The average yield is 25-32tonnes per hectare. This is amongst the 39 high yielding tomato varieties grown in India.


CO2 Tomato Variety

This is an indeterminate variety with fruit weighing 55-60gms. The fruits are flat with 4-5 furrows. The variety matures in 140 days and the average yield is 28-30tonnes per hectare. It is one of the high yielding tomato varieties to grow in India.


CO3 (Marutham)

The variety is a determinate producing capsicum red, round shaped fruit. It is suitable for close planting. It matures in 100-105 days and produces 40tonnes per hectare.



It is resistant to leaf curl virus with red colored, round, smooth, slightly oblong shaped and medium sized fruit. The fruit is borne in clusters of 3-5. The variety recorded a yield of 90tonnes per hectare without pesticide spray.


Pusa Red Plum

An early type of tomato, Pusa red plum is a determinate and high yielding. It is good for processing and does well in all parts of India. The fruit is small in size and is borne in clusters. The plant grows tall hence the need to stake.

Swarna Tomato


Swarna Tomato Variety
High yielding Swarna Tomato Variety

Swarna is a high yielding determinate tomato variety with an early maturity. It matures in 60-65 days after transplant. The fruit is round, dark red with a sour taste. The average weight of the fruit is 80- 90gms and is good for tomato farming in India.


Narendra Tomato 1

This is an indeterminate variety of tomato with round, red and large fruits. The fruit is fleshy, with less juice and weighs 85-110gms. It is suitable for table purpose and processing.


Narendra Tomato 2

It is a determinate plant with an oblong shaped fruit, which weighs 90-100gms. The plant grows up to a height of 100-120cms. The fruit is tolerant to TLCV and matures in 60-65 days after transplantation. It is suitable for long distance transportation and processing.


Pusa Gaurav

The plant variety is a semi determinate with early maturity of 65-70 after transplant. The variety is tolerant to TYLCV and bacterial wilt. It produces a bilocular fruit with thick, strong, deep red skin. The fruit weighs 100-120gms and is suitable for long distance transportation, canning and processing.

Pusa Rohini

The plant has an average yield of 45tonnes per hectare. It is a determinate with red, thick and strong skinned fruit weighing 60-70gms. The fruit is medium sized and can stay fresh for long. It is good for long distance transportation and is good for tomato farming in India..



Carmello is an indeterminate tomato variety which ripens after 70 days. The fruit is 5-7 ounce of medium to large size with a rich flavor due to a good balance of sugar and acid. The plant is disease resistant, grows large and requires staking. Additionally it is resistant to cracking.


PKM1 Tomato Variety

The plant is a dwarf determinate with fruit weighing 70-80gms. It yields 25-30tonnes per hectare within 80-90 days. It is suitable for long distance transportation.



Stupice is a drought and high heat tolerant, indeterminate heirloom tomato variety. It is a high yielding, easy to grow variety with a maturity of 55-85 days. The fruit weighs 1-2 ounce with a width of 2-4 inches.



An indeterminate with an early maturity, the plant produces exceptionally sweet fruit. The plant is tolerant to cold and heat. It performs well both in the fields and greenhouse conditions and requires staking. The fruit is resistant to cracking and other rare diseases.


Aunty Ruby’s German Green Tomato

This variety is an indeterminate heirloom and matures in 80 days. It produces large, sweet and spicy tomato fruit weighing 453gms. It is good for salads and sandwiches.



Some of the top tomato producing areas (States) in India include UP (Uttar Pradesh), Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Orissa and Assam. Different States may require different varieties due to weather conditions, type of soil etc. From the list provided above of the 39 high yielding tomato varieties, you can choose any which have the highest potential in your State.

For more on

1. Importance of tomato on our diet every day

2. Tomato farming and its nutrition

3. Tomato farming and and disease management

Are there any other good varieties we have left out, kindly let us know in the comment section below so that we can update our list.

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