The 15 Best Chicken Breeds for Laying Eggs

The 15 Best Chicken Breeds for Laying Eggs

The 15 Best Chicken Breeds for Laying Eggs


If you’re considering raising chickens for a steady supply of fresh eggs choosing the right breed is essential. Some chicken breeds are renowned for their exceptional egg-laying capabilities, making them favorites among poultry enthusiasts and homesteaders. Here are 15 of the best chicken breeds known for their prolific egg-laying abilities:

  • Rhode Island Red: This iconic American breed is a top choice for egg production. Known for its hardiness and adaptable nature, Rhode Island Reds can lay around 250-300 brown eggs per year.
  • Leghorn: The Leghorn is famous for its high egg production, with some individuals laying up to 300-320 white eggs annually. They are active, alert, and excellent foragers.
  • Plymouth Rock: This dual-purpose breed is not only friendly but also capable of producing around 200-280 brown eggs per year. They are a great choice for beginners and are amongst the 15 best chicken breeds for laying eggs
  • Sex Link: These hybrid chickens are bred specifically for their egg-laying abilities. The Red Sex Link and Black Sex Link can lay around 250-300 large brown eggs yearly.
  • Sussex: Known for their sweet disposition, Sussex hens lay approximately 250-280 creamy-white eggs annually. They are a hardy breed suitable for various climates.
  • Australorp: Originally from Australia, Australorps are excellent layers, producing about 250-300 brown eggs yearly. They are also good for meat production.
  • Buff Orpington: These friendly, docile birds lay approximately 180-200 large brown eggs annually. Their calm nature makes them great pets.
  • Wyandotte: Wyandottes are attractive birds known for their egg-laying capabilities, providing around 200-250 brown eggs yearly. They come in various color varieties.
  • Easter Egger: Although not a specific breed, Easter Eggers are popular for their colorful eggs, which varies from blue and green to pink and brown. They produce around 200-250 eggs annually.
  • Barred Rock: Barred Rocks are dual-purpose birds that lay roughly 200-280 brown eggs yearly. They are cold-hardy and have distinctive black-and-white striped feathers.
  • Golden Comet: Another hybrid, Golden Comets, is prized for their excellent egg production, yielding about 250-300 large brown eggs yearly.
  • Delaware: This American breed is known for its large brown eggs, with hens laying approximately 180-250 eggs annually.
  • California White: A prolific layer, the California White can produce around 250-300 large white eggs per year. They are a hybrid breed with excellent egg-laying genetics.
  • New Hampshire Red: This breed is similar to the Rhode Island Red and offers a comparable egg production rate of around 200-280 brown eggs per year.
  • ISA Brown: Known for its efficiency in egg-laying, the ISA Brown is a hybrid breed that lays roughly 300-350 large brown eggs per year. It’s a popular choice in commercial egg production operations.




When selecting the best chicken breed for your egg-laying needs, consider factors like climate, temperament, and available space. Providing your hens with proper nutrition, adequate shelter, and regular care will ensure they stay healthy and reward you with a consistent supply of delicious, farm-fresh eggs. Happy chicken keeping!


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