Pinky Winky Hydrangeas

Pinky Winky Hydrangeas, A Comprehensive Guide

Pinky Winky Hydrangeas:

Hydrangeas are renowned for their timeless beauty and ability to transform any garden into a picturesque paradise. Amongst the many hydrangea varieties available, Pinky Winky Hydrangeas stand out as a delightful and captivating choice. These unique hydrangeas offer a refreshing twist on the traditional hydrangea with their stunning two-tone flowers and robust growth. If you’re considering adding a touch of elegance and charm to your garden, Pinky Winky Hydrangeas are an excellent choice.


Characteristics of Pinky Winky Hydrangeas:


  1.  Bicolor Blooms:One of the most striking features of Pinky Winky hydrangeas is their bicolor blooms. In the late summer and early fall, their cone-shaped flower heads emerge as pure white and gradually transition to a vibrant pink as the season progresses. This captivating color change creates a visually stunning display in your garden.
  2.  Large Flower Heads: Pinky Winky hydrangeas produce impressive flower heads up to 16 inches long. These oversized blooms add a sense of drama and elegance to your outdoor space, making them a focal point in any garden design.
  3. Sturdy and Compact Growth: Unlike some hydrangea varieties, Pinky Winky hydrangeas have sturdy and compact growth habits, making them an excellent choice for smaller gardens or for those who prefer a more well-behaved plant. They are ideal for borders and containers because they grow 6 to 8 feet high.
  4. Low Maintenance:Pinky hydrangeas are relatively easy to care for. They thrive in well-draining soil and prefer partial sun to full sun conditions. Regular watering and mulching can help retain moisture, which is crucial for the plant’s health.
  5. Long-Lasting Blooms:The blooms of Pinky Winky hydrangeas are not only beautiful but also long-lasting, as they can remain on the plant well into the winter, providing interest in your garden even after the growing season has ended.
  6. Versatile Landscaping: Pinky Winky hydrangeas are adaptable and go well with different garden styles and themes, whether used as a single specimen plant or as a component of a mixed garden bed. Their striking appearance can be incorporated into both formal and informal garden settings.
  7. Foliage: The foliage of Pinky Winky hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata ‘DVPpinky’) typically has a lush green color and provide an attractive backdrop to the striking two-toned blooms of the plant. This combination of vibrant foliage and showy flowers makes Pinky Winky hydrangeas a visually appealing addition to any landscape.
  8. Type: Pinky Winky hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata ‘DVPpinky’) is a deciduous shrub that shed their leaves in the fall in response to changing seasons. As winter approaches, these shrubs lose their leaves, leaving them bare until new growth emerges in the spring. While the leaves drop in the winter, the dried flower heads often remain on the plant, adding visual interest to the winter landscape. The deciduous nature of Pinky Winky hydrangeas is a characteristic shared with many other hydrangea varieties.
  • Needs: Pinky Winky Hydrangeas, like all hydrangea varieties, have specific needs to thrive and produce their characteristic two-toned blooms.
  • Position: Pinky Winky hydrangeas prefer a location with partial to full sunlight. They can withstand little shade, but when they get at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily, they usually bloom at their most colorful.
  • Soil Conditions: For Pinky Winky hydrangeas to thrive, the soil must drain well and contain humus- and organic matter. Add manure or peat moss to improve the soil’s texture.
  •  Watering: These hydrangeas require consistent moisture to thrive.
  • Rate of growth: Pinky Winky hydrangeas are considered to be moderate to fast-growing shrubs.
  • First Year: In the first year after planting, Pinky Winky hydrangeas typically establish their root system and produce some new growth.
  • Second Year: In the second year, these hydrangeas exhibit more vigorous growth with dense foliage.
  • Mature Growth: After the first few years, Pinky Winky hydrangeas may continue to grow moderately. At maturity, they typically reach a height of 6 to 8 feet and have a similar spread.
  • Hardiness: Pinky Winky hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata ‘DVPpinky’) are known for their hardiness and ability to withstand various weather conditions. They are considered hardy in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 8.


Uses of Pinky Hydrangea


Pinky Winky Hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata ‘DVPpinky’) are versatile and beautiful shrubs that can employed in various ways in landscaping and gardening. Here are some common uses for these hydrangeas:

  • Ornamental Shrub: Pinky hydrangeas are primarily grown as ornamental shrubs. Their striking, two-tone flower heads make them a captivating addition to any garden or landscape, and they are often used for their aesthetic appeal.
  • Focal Point: Planting Pinky Winky hydrangeas as a focal point in your garden can draw attention and create a stunning centerpiece. Their large, bi-colored blooms make them an eye-catching feature.
  • Privacy Screen: Due to their robust growth and upright habit, Pinky Winky hydrangeas can be used to create a living privacy screen or hedge. They can provide both visual and sound privacy in your outdoor space when planted in a row.
  • Border or Edging: Pinky hydrangeas work well as a border or edging plant for garden beds and pathways. Their well-behaved growth and attractive foliage can define and enhance the edges of your garden.
  • Container Gardening: While typically grown in the ground, Pinky hydrangeas, can also be planted in large containers or pots, allowing you to enjoy their beauty on patios, balconies, or other outdoor areas with limited space.
  • Cut Flowers: The two-toned blooms of Pinky Winky hydrangeas are popular for cut flower arrangements. You can bring their elegant flowers indoors and use them to create stunning bouquets or floral decorations.
  • Dried Flower Arrangements: The dried flower heads of Pinky hydrangeas can be used in dried flower arrangements, wreaths, and other crafts while retaining their unique color and shape, adding a touch of beauty to your indoor decor.
  • Pollinator Attraction: Pinky Winky hydrangeas’ blooms can draw pollinators into your garden, like bees and butterflies, contributing to a more vibrant and diverse ecosystem in your outdoor space.
  • Erosion Control: Their extensive root system can help prevent soil erosion, making Pinky Winky hydrangeas a valuable addition to sloped areas or landscapes prone to erosion.
  • Seasonal Interest: These hydrangeas, provide year-round interest. In addition to their showy summer and fall blooms, the dried flower heads can provide visual appeal in the winter, especially when covered with a layer of frost or snow.


Growing Tips


  • Planting Location: A planting location that receives partial to full sunlight is ideal for hydrangeas to perform best, with at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight each day. While they can tolerate some shade, more sunlight typically leads to more vibrant blooms.
  • Soil Quality: Amend the soil with compost or peat moss to improve soil quality and provide essential nutrients. An excellent water drainage is also ideal.
  • Watering: Ensure the soil remains consistently moist, especially during dry periods. Regular watering is essential, but avoid over watering, that leads to root rot. Apply mulch around the lower part of the plant to control the temperature of the soil and preserve moisture.
  • Fertilization: During springtime, administer a slow-releasing fertilizer that is balanced to encourage robust growth and a profusion of blossoms.

To achieve the correct form for your Pinky Winky hydrangea, you can prune it in late winter or early spring and dispose any weak or dead stems. Pruning won’t stop them from blooming because they bloom on new wood. For added visual interest and protection, some gardeners leave the dried flower heads on the plant throughout the winter.

  • Spacing: When planting multiple Pinky hydrangeas, space them approximately 5 to 7 feet apart to allow for their mature size. Proper spacing prevents overcrowding and allows for optimal growth.
  • When to plant: In spring after frost or early fall for roots development.
  • Transplant: Pinky Winky Hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata ‘DVPpinky’) can be transplabted to a new location in your garden or landscape. Key steps and timing guidelines:
  • Best Time to Transplant: The best time to transplant Pinky hydrangeas is in the late fall or early spring when the plant is dormant. Transplanting during these seasons minimizes stress on the plant and gives it time to establish its roots before the hot summer or harsh winter sets in.
Steps for Transplanting Pinky Winky Hydrangeas:


  1. Prepare the New Site: Prepare the hole in the new location before digging up the plant to minimize the time it spends out of the ground.
  2. Prune the Plant:Trim back the top growth of the hydrangea to reduce water loss through transpiration. Prune only a portion of the plant, leaving enough top growth to support the root system.
  3. Dig Up the Plant: Dig up the Pinky hydrangea, as you preserve as much of the root system as possible.
  4. Transplant:Place the plant in the prepared hole in the new location and fill in with soil. Water the plant thoroughly to help settle the soil and remove air pockets. Apply mulch around the base to conserve moisture.
  1. Watering:Continue to water the transplanted hydrangea regularly, especially in the absence of rainfall, to keep the soil consistently moist. Adequate water is essential for the plant’s recovery and root establishment.
  2. Protection: Protect the newly transplanted Pinky hydrangea from harsh sun and wind, especially when transplanting during the growing season. Provide some shade and wind protection to reduce stress on the plant.


Transplanting hydrangeas can sometimes cause temporary stress to the plant, but with proper care and attention, they should recover and establish themselves in their new location. It’s crucial to be patient and continue to care for the plant in the weeks and months following the transplant to ensure its success.

  • Protection: In regions with harsh winters, consider applying a layer of mulch around the base of the plant in the fall to insulate the roots from cold temperatures as wintertime protection.
  • Support for Heavy Blooms: Pinky Winky hydrangeas produce large flower heads, which can become heavy. Consider providing some support, such as stakes or a simple trellis to prevent the branches from drooping or breaking.
Care and Maintenance:

Caring for Pinky Winky hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata ‘DVPpinky’) involves providing proper maintenance and meeting their specific needs. These hydrangeas are generally low-maintenance.


Care guidelines to ensure their health and beauty:

 Sunlight: Pinky Winky hydrangeas thrive in partial to full sunlight and perform best when they receive at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. While they can tolerate some shade, more sunlight typically results in more vibrant blooms.

 Pest and Disease Control: These hydrangeas are generally resilient, but it’s a good practice to monitor for common garden pests and diseases and take appropriate action if any issues arise.


Aphids, Japanese Beetles, Spider Mites, Scale Insects.

Slugs and Snails: These pests may chew holes in hydrangea leaves. You can use slug and snail baits or provide barriers like copper tape to protect your plants.


Powdery Mildew: Pinky winky hydrangea is affected by the fungal disease due to poor air circulation. Ensure good air circulation around your hydrangeas and avoid overhead watering to prevent powdery mildew. Fungicidal sprays may be necessary if an infection occurs.

Rust: Rust diseases may result in orange or brown pustules on the leaves. Pruning and disposing of infected leaves can help control rust. Spray fungicides for severe cases.

Botrytis Blight: Botrytis blight can affect the flowers and leaves, causing browning and decay. Prune and dispose of infected plant material and ensure good air circulation.


Other Preventive Measures:
  • Regularly inspect your Pinky Winky hydrangeas for signs of pests and diseases.
  • Maintain good garden hygiene by cleaning up fallen leaves and debris around your plants.
  • Provide proper spacing between plants to ensure good air circulation.
  • To lessen stress and make your hydrangeas less vulnerable to pests and illnesses, make sure they are growing in the right kind of soil and amount of light.
  • Consider using organic or chemical treatments as a last resort if a pest or disease problem becomes severe and other methods have failed.


Disadvantages of these Hydrangeas

While Pinky Winky hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata ‘DVPpinky’) are popular for their many attractive features, including their stunning two-toned blooms and versatility, there are some disadvantages or considerations to be aware of when growing these plants:

  • Size: Pinky Winky hydrangeas can grow relatively large, reaching a height of 6 to 8 feet and a similar spread. This size may not be suitable for small gardens or confined spaces.
  • Pruning Requirements: These hydrangeas benefit from annual pruning to maintain their shape and encourage robust flowering. If you’re not comfortable with pruning, this maintenance task may be considered a disadvantage.
  • Transplanting Challenges: Transplanting established Pinky Winky hydrangeas can be challenging due to their size and extensive root system. This may limit your ability to move them to a different location in your garden.
  • Blooms on New Wood: While Pinky Winky hydrangeas can be pruned to shape and size, they bloom on new wood, meaning if you prune too late in the season, you may inadvertently remove flower buds for the following year.
  • Sensitivity to Drought: Pinky Winky hydrangeas prefer consistently moist soil. They can be sensitive to drought conditions, so in regions with dry summers, you may need to provide extra water.
  • Limited Fragrance: Unlike some other hydrangea varieties, Pinky Winky hydrangeas are not known for their fragrance. You might consider other hydrangea options if you’re looking for fragrant blooms.
  • Changing Flower Color: The flower color of Pinky Winky hydrangeas changes over the course of the blooming season from white to pink. Some gardeners may prefer hydrangeas with consistent flower color.
  • Maintenance: While Pinky Winky hydrangeas are relatively low-maintenance compared to other plants, Pinky Winky Hydrangeas still require regular care, including pruning, watering, and pest and disease management.

Pinky Winky hydrangeas are still a popular choice for many gardeners due to their remarkable beauty and adaptability. Enjoy the benefits of these hydrangeas while mitigating some of the potential drawbacks.


Read more about the Limelight Hydrangea, How To plant, Grow And Care For Them here.