Lion mane mushroom powder 

Lion Mane Mushroom Powder

Lion Mane Mushroom Powder. Lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus) is found on the trunks of dead hardwood trees like oak. It has a lengthy history of culinary and medicinal application in East Asian medicine and is huge, white, shaggy mushrooms that resemble a lion’s mane when they mature. The mushroom can be as small as a fist to as large as a human head when mature. Also known as monkey head mushroom, it can be wild foraged or cultivated. They include bioactive compounds that have numerous positive impacts on the body, including the brain, heart, and gut.


While fresh mushrooms are delicious when lightly fried, dehydrating them is a great way to preserve them and use them as is or powdered for versatility or as supplementation in various foods. Leave it intact once it has dried if you want to utilize the mushroom for extracts.


How to dehydrate

Mushrooms contain up to 92% water. Lion mane mushroom powder, on the other hand, are denser and drier than button mushrooms, and they tolerate dehydration well. Dehydrating lion’s mane mushrooms is an effective way to preserve them and make them easier to turn into powder.


Place them in direct sunlight for 2-4 hours before processing if you grew the lion’s mane mushrooms indoors, increasing the mushroom’s naturally occurring vitamin D levels. Dehydrate the mushrooms in the sun to maximize vitamin D content if the weather is hot and dry. Vitamin D is thought to help with seasonal depression, and mushrooms are one of the few sources of this sunshine vitamin.


Here are detailed instructions on how to dehydrate Lion mane mushroom powder:


Using a Dehydrator


Clean the mushrooms by gently brushing off any dirt or debris. Avoid washing them with water to prevent them from becoming waterlogged. Slice the mushrooms into thin, uniform pieces about 1/4 inch thick to ensure even drying. Place the sliced mushrooms in a single layer on the dehydrator trays. Make sure the pieces are not overlapping to allow for proper air circulation. Set the dehydrator to a temperature between 110-135°F (43-57°C). This low temperature helps preserve the nutrients and flavor of the mushrooms. Dry the mushrooms for 6–12 hours. The drying period varies depending on the thickness of the slices, the moisture level of the mushrooms, and the specific dehydrator. Check the mushrooms at regular intervals. The mushrooms are fully dehydrated when they are brittle and snap easily. There should be no pliability or moisture left in the pieces.


Using an Oven


Clean and slice the mushrooms as described above. Put the mushroom slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Ensure the pieces are in a single layer and not touching one other. Preset the oven to 43-57°C (110-135°F). Allow moisture to escape by holding the oven door slightly open with a wooden or a heatproof object. Dry the mushrooms for many hours, checking in every hour or so. The exact duration will depend on your oven and the thickness of the slices. The mushrooms should be dry, brittle, and easy to snap.


Using Air Drying (Best for Dry Climates)


Clean and slice the mushrooms as described above. Spread the slices on a mesh screen or drying rack. Ensure good air circulation around each piece. Put the rack in a well-ventilated, dry area out of direct sunlight. A fan can enhance air circulation and accelerate the drying process. Air drying can take several days, depending on the humidity and temperature. Check the mushrooms daily for dryness and brittleness. Allow the dried mushrooms to cool completely before storing or grinding. Store dried mushrooms in a tightly sealed container in a cold, dark, and dry place for them to last up to a year if properly preserved.


Additional Tips


Uniform Slices: Try to keep the slices as uniform as possible for even drying.

Avoid Overlapping: Ensure the slices do not overlap and cause uneven drying.

Check Regularly: Regularly check the mushrooms for dryness, especially towards the end of the drying process.


Lion mane mushroom powder may promote nerve development and function. It may also keep nerves from becoming injured. It also appears to help protect the stomach lining. People use lion’s mane mushrooms for Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, stomach difficulties, and a variety of other diseases, but there is no scientific proof to back up these claims.


The effects of lion’s mane mushroom depend on the tree(s) it grows on. Mushrooms growing wild or on farmed whole logs contain higher antioxidant compounds than those grown on supplemented sawdust in bags, as the supplement encourages high growth, both of mycelium and the fruiting body. Cultivate the mushrooms at home to avoid the expensive lion’s mane supplements.


Lion mane mushroom powder is derived from the dried fruiting bodies of the lion’s mane fungus (Hericium erinaceus), which is recognized to have possible health advantages. Here are some crucial points about Lion mane mushroom powder:




Cognitive Health: It may support cognitive function and memory, potentially helping with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Nerve Growth Factor (NGF): Lion’s mane is believed to stimulate the production of NGF, which is crucial for the growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons.


The brain’s ability to expand and make new connections usually declines with age, which may explain why mental competence deteriorates in many older persons.

Studies have revealed that Lion mane mushroom powder contain two specific chemicals that can boost brain cell growth: hericenones and erinacines.


Furthermore, animal studies have shown that lion’s mane may protect against Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative brain illness that causes progressive memory loss.


Lion’s mane mushroom and its extracts have been demonstrated to diminish memory loss symptoms in mice while also preventing neuronal damage caused by amyloid-beta plaques, which develop in the brain during Alzheimer’s disease.


In 2020, research on persons with mild Alzheimer’s disease discovered that taking 1 gram of lion’s mane mushroom daily for 49 weeks significantly improved cognitive test results compared to a placebo.


However, it is vital to emphasize that, the majority of the study has been done on animals or in test tubes. Thus, more human investigations are required.


Immune Support: It has immunomodulating properties, which can help boost the immune system. A sturdy immune system defends the body against bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing agents, while a weakened immune system increases the body’s susceptibility to infectious infections.


Animal studies reveal that lion’s mane mushroom can enhance immunity by activating the intestinal immune system, which defends the body from infections that enter the gut through the mouth or nose.


These effects may be attributed to favorable alterations in gut flora that stimulate the immune system. A 2012 study discovered that taking lion’s mane extract every day virtually tripled the longevity of mice inoculated with a fatal dosage of salmonella germs.


The immune-boosting properties of lion’s mane mushrooms are quite promising, but this field of study is still growing.


Anti-Inflammatory: Oxidative stress and persistent inflammation are thought to be the root causes of cancer, autoimmune disorders, and heart disease. According to research, lion’s mane mushrooms have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components that may help mitigate the effects of several conditions.


A 2012 study assessing the antioxidant abilities of 14 different mushroom species discovered that lion’s mane had the fourth highest antioxidant activity and suggested it as a dietary source of antioxidants.


Several animal studies show that lion’s mane extract reduces inflammation and oxidative stress indicators in rodents, suggesting it may treat inflammatory bowel disease, liver damage, and stroke.


Lion’s mane mushrooms may also help lower some of the health hazards linked with obesity since they have been proven to reduce inflammation and fat tissue release. More research is needed to assess the possible health advantages in humans, although preliminary findings from lab and animal trials are encouraging.


Digestive Health: Lion’s mane may support digestive health by promoting a healthy gut microbiome and protecting against ulcers. Ulcers can develop in any spot in the digestive tract, including the stomach and small and large intestines.


Lion’s mane extract may help prevent stomach ulcers by reducing the growth of H. pylori and protecting the stomach lining. Several previous researches have demonstrated that lion’s mane extract can inhibit growth.


Another 2013 animal study discovered that lion’s mane extract was more efficient at preventing alcohol-induced stomach ulcers than standard acid-lowering treatments, with no harmful side effects. A 2016 research on ulcerative colitis patients discovered that taking a mushroom supplement containing 14% lion’s mane extract decreased symptoms and increased quality of life after three weeks. However, when the same study was replicated in individuals with Crohn’s disease, the advantages were nearly similar to those with a placebo.


Lion’s mane extract can also help reduce inflammation and tissue damage in other parts of the gut. They may even help treat inflammatory bowel illnesses like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.


It’s worth noting that the herbal supplement utilized in these researches contained a variety of mushrooms, making it impossible to conclude the effects of lion’s mane specifically. Overall, research suggests that lion’s mane extract may help prevent the formation of ulcers, but more human studies are needed.


Reduces risk of heart diseases: According to research, lion’s mane extract can alter some of these characteristics like




High triglyceride levels

Having high levels of oxidized cholesterol, and lower the risk of developing heart disease.


Rat and mouse studies have shown that lion’s mane mushroom extract enhances fat metabolism and decreases triglyceride levels.


Obesity and high triglycerides are both considered risk factors for heart disease, so lion’s mane mushrooms can help with heart health.


Oxidized cholesterol molecules tend to stick to arterial walls, making them harden and increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Reducing oxidation is helpful to heart health. Furthermore, Lion mane mushroom powder hericenone B, a chemical that can slow blood clotting and reduce the chances of heart attack or stroke.


In 2010 a study of rats fed a high-fat diet and given daily dosages of lion’s mane extract revealed 27% lower triglyceride levels and 42% reduced weight gain after 28 days. According to test tube research, lion’s mane extract can help inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol in the bloodstream.


Lion’s mane mushrooms appear to assist the heart and blood arteries in different ways, but further research with people is needed to confirm this.


Diabetes: Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body’s ability to manage blood sugar levels is impaired resulting in levels consistently elevated. Chronically high blood sugar levels lead to problems such as renal disease, nerve damage in the hands and feet, and eyesight loss.


Lion’s mane mushroom may help manage diabetes by increasing blood sugar control and minimizing some of the associated negative effects.


Several animal studies have demonstrated that lion’s mane can considerably lower blood sugar levels in both normal and diabetic mice, even at daily doses as low as 2.7 milligrams (mg) per pound (6 mg per kg) of body weight.


Lion’s mane reduces blood sugar by inhibiting the activity of alpha-glucosidase, an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates in the small intestine.


When this enzyme is inhibited, the body cannot digest and absorb carbohydrates as well, resulting in decreased blood sugar levels. In addition to reducing blood sugar, lion’s mane extract may alleviate diabetic nerve discomfort in the hands and feet.


Cancer: Cancer develops when your DNA is broken, leading your cells to divide and duplicate without control. Some research reveals that the lion’s mane mushroom has cancer-fighting properties due to numerous of its unique components.


When lion’s mane extract is combined with human cancer cells in a test tube, the cancer cells die more quickly. This has been shown with a variety of cancer cells, including liver, colon, stomach, and blood cancer cells. However, at least one prior study failed to duplicate these findings.


Lion’s mane extract has been demonstrated to not only destroy cancer cells but also slow their spread.


A 2013 study on mice with colon cancer discovered that consuming lion’s mane extract reduced cancer metastasis to the lungs by 69%. Another 2014 study discovered that lion’s mane extract was more effective than typical cancer treatments at reducing tumor growth in mice and had fewer side effects.


However, the anticancer properties of lion’s mane mushrooms have never been studied in people, therefore more research is required.


  • Supplements: Commonly taken as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules, powders, or extracts.
  • Cooking: The powder can be added to smoothies, coffee, tea, soups, or other recipes to enhance nutritional content.




Lion’s mane mushrooms are available in some of the following forms: tablets, capsules, powder, and tinctures.




There is no typical dose for Lion mane mushroom powder. The safest, most helpful amount, is determined by your age, overall health, and the type and concentration of the powder. Commonly recommended dosage ranges from 500 mg to 3,000 mg per day. Follow the specific instructions or seek advice from a healthcare professional.


Side Effects
  • Generally, it is considered safe for most people, but some may experience digestive upset or allergic reactions. It’s crucial to start with a lower dose to gauge tolerance.


Where to buy lion mane mushroom powder 

Lion’s mane mushroom powder can be purchased from various health food stores, specialty mushroom retailers, and online marketplaces.


Specialty Mushroom Retailers


FreshCap Mushrooms: Known for their high-quality mushroom supplements, FreshCap offers lion’s mane mushroom powder for approximately $30 for a 60-gram (2.12 oz) container.


Four Sigmatic: Specializes in mushroom-based products and offers lion’s mane mushroom powder in various forms, such as coffee mixes and straight powders, with prices from $20 to $40.


Mushroom Revival: Offers organic lion’s mane mushroom powder at approximately $25 for 60 grams (2.12 oz).


Health Food Stores


Whole Foods Market: Carries various brands of lion’s mane mushroom powder, typically found in the supplements or natural foods section. Prices differ from $25 to $50 depending on the brand and quantity.


Sprouts Farmers Market: Offers similar products and prices as Whole Foods, with a selection of different brands.


Local Health Food Stores: Many local health food stores or co-ops also carry lion’s mane mushroom powder. Prices may vary but generally fall within the same range as larger retailers.



Price Range Summary

Small Quantities (2-4 oz): $15 – $25

Medium Quantities (8-16 oz): $20 – $40

Large Quantities (1 lb or more): $35 – $70


Tips for Buying

Look for organic products, non-GMO, and free from fillers and additives. Third-party testing for purity and potency is beneficial.

Customer reviews provide insights into the quality and effectiveness of products.

Compare different sources to find the best deal as prices vary between retailers.

Other mushroom products available include

1. Mushroom Purses

2. Mushroom baskets

which you can read by clicking the links.